miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Beginning a new year

New Year, New Life. How many times we have heard or said this phrase just because. But if we think it through it’s an opportunity to renew ourselves, to fulfill us with new energy, to give a step forward… an unexpected twist to our lives and to everything that surround us.

If every year ending we make awareness of all the things we can improve, of what we like or not, not only personally but a in our environment,  we would have the power to transforms our world and ourselves making a better version of us, a group of actions that take us to the kind of people we are.

We always start the year with a million of purposes which we are leaving behind in the course of the year, but instead of doing the same, we can think not just individually but globally and take actions that go beyond of improve our body but lead us to live in a better world. We live in a time when we really need to wake up and help to make a better place for living, our México and the world.

We are so concerned about living a life full of "luxuries " and material things that we forget what is truly important in life; our environment, the Street were we meet with our neighbors, the city where we live and therefore… is in this way that I have come to the question: Where to begin?

There are many issues that urge to improve, but today we will focus on a very important: Caring for our land, our air, our water and all the natural resources around us; we need to think of a greener world for all.  Let's start building green areas or planters in our homes or work areas, in our colony caring for parks, giving maintenance, planting trees and collecting the waste from our pets.  We do not need to search for the responsible ones, but be active and make ourselves a better world.

“Let’s design thinking about how to help the environment, using recyclable resources, designing green areas not only ornamental plants but also provide some other benefit as are fruit, spices…” Kees Van Rooij

There is not arbitrary that architecture is considered one of the Fine Arts, because it goes beyond the mere idea of developing a construction but gives us identity and help us to know who we are; have healthy spaces will talk so much about ourselves but about the society we are too. We need to adopt these ideas not only as a simple new year purpose but as a lifestyle and share it with our families, colleagues and friends, making a common purpose with concrete and simple actions to take, an immediately attitude change.

Finally I leave this quote from one of my favorite people, serving as an example to adopt this new and better way of life:

“We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it”.  John Lennon


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