viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

To live Los Cabos, to be an entrepreneur at Los Cabos

José Martí once said, "There are three things everyone should do during his life: plant a tree, have a child and write a book." Via Twitter, @Mic_y_Mouse says "Having a child, plant a tree and write a book are easy, the hard part is to raise a child, watering the tree and that someone reads the book." When you decided to leave the bustle of big cities to retire to live in a paradise destination, it is possible that none of the three ideas of Martí applied equitably; you may want to learn to surf, take a daily beer and establish your own small business, quite more attractive activities.

To learn how to surf in Los Cabos, you need to go to Costa Azul; there you will find the best surfers in the area... they may give some tips and anyone could be interested in teach you to surf professionally. Do you need equipment? In several local shops there are different options as boards and wetsuits, including the one to fit the most your personality. There are no limits, it is just about to lose the fear and exploit all the adrenaline that lives in you.

Take a daily beer is even an easier job. There are hundreds of options for you, overlooking the bay or at the marina, in small and intimate places or with all the buzz and excitement of tourism. At the marina in Cabo San Lucas are my favorite places, the Tanga Tanga personally run by its owners, the Baja Cantina in a relaxed atmosphere with the best sports on Saturdays or Cabo Blue with the best live music.

Establish your own business is the tricky part? Not at all! Living relaxed, without time clocks to mark our entrances and exits of office and with the possibility to take a walk in the beach during working hours is available to everyone, it is just about to decide it. The line of your business can be as varied as varied the public in Los Cabos is, I suggest just do not establish a firm of architecture, interiors and new urbanism so we can remain friends. There are venues in all sizes and prices waiting to suit your needs, you just need to develop an idea and go with trained professionals to help you make your dream a reality.

After you have chosen the line your business will be, the steps are very simple. I recommend you to go with a real estate agent who can help you find the best venue for you, that means to orient you, to show the best places you can settle down and to know the costs for a fair negotiation. It is important that you consult a person who is familiar with municipal regulations and the places where your line of business is authorized, the requirements to establish and the allowed hours of operation. You do not want to lose your deposit by bad advice.

Now that you have the space, it's time to think about how it will be your dream into reality. However its size is, you seriously have to consider consulting an architect; he can design each area to maximize the benefits and especially to generate the atmosphere you want, the greater number of times you will have to adapt an existing local and do not want to waste your money. The choice of colors, textures, materials, lighting, furniture and decoration are essential for you to achieve the success you expect and above all, do not spend more money you have to and decapitalise; you need to think always leave in your bank account at least the money equivalent to the costs of six months of your business because you will probably not receive customers from day one, you need to be as realistic and prudent as possible.

Hiring an architect will surely look more expensive than calling a constructor, but not so in real life. The most successful businesses, including several franchises, have very specific design lines to help maintain an image to their audience and also to attract the market they are targeting. Do you think a builder made those decisions arbitrarily? Absolutely not, a professional in spatial design made these decisions based on his knowledge and experience. Think you're making an investment instead just doing a check, you will see the benefits sooner than you think.

Do not forget to properly choose the name of your business and consult a graphic designer. Power Point offers very interesting tools for the design of logos and corporate identities but it does not have the knowledge to recommend the correct use of colors, fonts and formats, and above all, it is important to consider whether your clients and you are attracted to the same designs or not. A bad image will not attract customers who you expect to attend, it will give the wrong message and you can lose money; you need to watch your investment all time long.

Now that you have your business ready, it's time to enjoy Los Cabos. If you have a nice bar, now you can take a daily beer at your own business, is there something better?

Remember that we can help you build this dream together. At the moment you have an idea, please contact us and we do the rest: we can contact you with the best real estate agents, perform the integral design of your business including the corporate image and the architectural and interior blueprints and then, we can call the best builders for you. You will not find anyone who take care about your dream and investment better than us. Visit our jobs here and do not hesitate to contact us.


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