miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Why to hire an Architect?

Even before, we took on the task of defining the architecture in this blog as well as the thin line that separates it from design and arts. Its existence undoubtedly goes back to the utility and efficient operation of the spaces, no leaving aside the inevitable fusion of aesthetics and respect for the surrounding environment, getting the better use of its location to reduce energy costs and achieve the desired sense of belonging. These benefits are achieved thanks to the work of architects, professionals in the design of spaces with the knowledge and creativity that take out the ordinary to achieve sublime works, but why the vast majority of people choose not to hire one when is required?

When we have an illness, we immediately go to the doctor for review and take medications that the specialist tells because unlike us, he knows the substances we should take to heal, because for that he studied. If we ever have legal problems, we turned to a lawyer because they are the ones to defend us, not only because they have studied but they keep constantly updated for modifications to existing laws and regulations that govern us. But along with more examples that we would enunciate, what if we want to build, remodel our houses or make an extension not seen as an nonsense annex?, Who should we go? Unfortunately, over 90% of the buildings in Mexico do not pass through the hands of a professional; much of the population prefers to go to a mason with the mistaken that he will save them a considerable sum of money.

Leave the homestead and the current and future family capital in the hands of a person without education, is not a smart move. It's not about discrimination or devalue the work of the construction workers, but many of them in Mexico have not completed high school and are unaware of the technical information that allows them to calculate the exact amount of material needed to make a foundation or features that are required to adequately support the construction: its depth, the concrete/ stone/ steel proportion or the resistance and soil type, essential information required to know by a professional before beginning the project. Did you know that the foundation is one of the most expensive parts of a building? The foundation is the basis of all construction and for its proper operation, there are mathematical formulas and professional studies that take different courses to learn how to calculate them. Would you be sure to let your design to a person whose knowledge derived solely from empirical experience and the number of houses that have cracks, deformations or in worst cases, have collapsed?

But architecture is more than just that; it is important to know how to use natural light, the ideal place for doors and windows for a good air circulation, the proper height of the slabs, the proper design and system for laying and floor finishes, the Electrical calculations to ensure no overload the system, the calculation of hydraulic and sanitary facilities to provide the proper flow of water or the location of the water tank in the structure to avoid differential settlements… just some of the concepts that an architect should include, all based on formulas and studies for each project exclusively.

And in addition to technical knowledge, it is important to also consider the aesthetic contribution. The design of facades and interiors is based on the tastes and preferences of users, supported by a specialist who can provide knowledge of trends and latest styles from what I like to call "spatial experience", ie the knowledge and experience of the spaces you accumulate every day in your life. Would you trust a mason to design the spaces of your home to be just the way as you imagined? Without the knowledge of the design statutes and basic premises, he will surely copy ideas from earlier works and provide small changes that far from meeting the client's wishes, they will hardly resolve the basic operation of spaces.

It is also important to choose a good architect, one who possesses the knowledge, education and experience required to satisfactorily perform the work entrusted to him. Many architects you see advertised on the internet or in magazines, does not count with the basic requirements to perform their work. Did you know that in Mexico you can consult if an architect - or any other professional - have its title and professional certificate in http://www.cedulaprofesional.sep.gob.mx ? Before hiring any professional, we recommend you to use this tool to validate at least that anyone has the presumed degree.

The team of Joaquin Precoma Valle, Architecture and New Urbanism, are proud to offer guarantees to support our work. Our customers get the plans necessary for their project implementation according to a contract in which we specify all work to be performed, the delivery dates and the amount payable by the service we provide, signed after we present - without cost - the preliminary and main design ideas that we will work. We have more than 9 years in the market, projects in 10 states nationwide and abroad, more than 95 thousand square meters projected, 11 thousand square feet of renovations and 34 developed hectares. But most importantly, we offer the warranty, provided only by a qualified professional, to have the knowledge to make a draft in agreement with a budget, as best functional, sustainable and aesthetically designed, ensuring that our costs are recovered in the building process reducing intermediaries, brokers and waste of material and in the life of the project, with our environmentally friendly proposals that significantly reduce energy bills.

We invite you to request a free quote for our services, to know more about us in our website www.jpvespacios.com and in our social networks or by calling us at +52 (624) 143 1246.


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